Made entirely by me, using the fantastic engine called Unity.

there's no way to get a tutorial into 1d space, as far as i know, so i'll put the tutorial here.

in the start, you choose to use red-green-blue or red-yellow-blue. once you start, you use the left, right and down arrows to choose the colors. the 3 keys show the 3 colors, and you can combine them to make more colors. now, when you're in the game, you need the same color as the one coming at you, but be quick, because there's a lot of colors to match.

i'd love to see some highscores in the comments, and please give some feedback, what's good about the game, what's bad?

NOTE: this game was made 3 months ago, i just never exported it, since it takes ages.


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Hi Mimijackz!

I really like the concept of mixing colors combined with the one dimension. I have seen other genres and I made a 1D-Platformer myself, but I have never seen this style before, and even with the option to choose rgb or cmy!

Great would be a way to see the score without having to count. Others include text in their 1d game (which I think is kind of cheating) and I used a rising column. Maybe an end-screen would be possible that shows as many stripes as the player made points, or something like that...

One small issue I had was that I could not mix all three colors together, somehow it did not work.

I hope I could give you some useful tips and praise for your unusual game :)
